SomoS is proud to present the solo exhibition Here by current Artist-in-Residence Linda Post (US). Here builds upon the artist’s psychogeographic exploration of Berlin’s creative and intellectual history, following unseen paths and discovering forgotten spaces. This creative research forms the basis of an immersive, interactive installation employing video and software. Here uncovers fragile narratives that allow the visitors to virtually transcend space and time, enabling a personal sense of displacement, and rendering the city’s genealogy of progressive thought and expression relatable.

In the ups and downs of Berlin’s creative history, times of extraordinary liberty and opportunity were often followed by repression, revanchism, or the limiting effects of political and economic systems. In this ongoing project, Post retraces and channels the creative process of cultural figureheads from literature, music, film, medicine, and politics, ranging in time from the Weimar years, the 1970s, the 1990s to present day.

Much of the footage in the exhibition will be of SomoS itself, looking at this house as a site that people are experimenting with what works as a context conducive to their creativity as residents, artists, performers, curators, and organizers.

Here employs video projection designed for the space and interactive software that responds to the presence of visitors. The video will address the architecture of SomoS and overlap it with images of other spaces projected onto the gallery. Viewers will then inhabit an overlapping of locations.

As it develops its theme of “inhabiting displacement,” Here poetically addresses temporariness, place, and the important role migration plays in Berlin’s creative history.

About Linda Post

Linda Post is an US multimedia artist and educator who explores the sculptural limits of time-based media via video, installation, sculpture, audio, and photography. Her work is often site-specific, involving psychogeographic mental and aesthetic explorations; a choreography of the everyday; and the creation of links across time and space.